Under The Microscope

Our Own Embarrassment Of Eddys!

A group of witches is a coven. A group of crows is a murder. And according to Dave Nanian of Shirt Pocket Software, a group of three or more Eddy awards is known as an embarrassment.

With a 2008 Macworld Editors’ Choice Eddy Award for our own Airfoil, we’ve now got our own embarrassment! This trophy will stand proudly alongside Nicecast’s 2004 Eddy and Fission’s 2006 Eddy.

Congratulations are due to all the winners this year. Among them are several of my favorite products, including VMWare’s Fusion, BusyMac’s BusySync and the joint NBC-Fox site hulu.com. Be sure to read the full list for all kinds of great products.

And of course, if you need to send any audio to an AirPort Express, to an AppleTV, and/or to any Mac, PC or Linux computer around your house, check out Airfoil. It’s got the Macworld stamp of approval and it’ll get your music from here to there, without the need to run miles of cables. So take a test drive of Airfoil for Mac (and Airfoil for Windows, sporting much of the same functionality) right now, then purchase in our online store!

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