Under The Microscope

Macworld Loves Airfoil 3

Airfoil, our tool for transmitting audio, to AirPort Express units, Apple TVs, and other Macs and PCs, has never been better. We’ve talked about Airfoil 3 a lot lately, with good reason. Airfoil 3 is our most recent major update, full of new features. After just a month, we were ready with Airfoil 3.1, with still more new features.

As I often see, however, you don’t need to take our word on how good Airfoil is. Indeed, today, Macworld.com has a double-dose of Airfoil news. First up is Dan Frakes’ latest review. He’s reviewed Airfoil 1 in 2005 and Airfoil 2 in 2006, and he’s done an even more through job this time around for version 3. You can read his entire 4.5 Mice review right on their site.

Meanwhile, Chris Breen has been busy defending the honor of Internet radio. With products like Radioshift, expressly designed for recording Internet radio, and Nicecast, a tool for creating Internet radio stations, you know we’re proponents of the medium. In his article, Chris specifically mentions his use of Airfoil in conjunction with the Rhapsody music service, and indeed, Airfoil works great with web-based audio from Rhapsody as well as sites like Pandora.com.

If the biggest name in Mac journalism says Airfoil is pretty great, shouldn’t you check it out? Download Airfoil and try it out now.

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